Less of the usual self obsessed meanderings - these tend to short visual thought chapters about the world out there and the life experience so far because although we live life forwards - we understand it backwards, if we make sense of it at all. Entries evolve & change often, it's a movable feast...that's life - to change and to grow is to live and who wants to be predictable anyway. By the way they're the other kind of tarts in the interests panel - not the pastries - much more interesting & socially important I think - see also courtesans; this is not to pour scorn on those folks who list the pastry sort and there are plenty of them.!
And it's The Zombies (musical group) in the musical interests, not the other creepy kind because we need a Z - "She's not there" - what a song, not forgetting "Summertime" by Sidney Bechet or Jimi's "Catfish Blues" or Jussi Bjorling and Robert Merrill's "Solenne in Quest'ora" or Elvis' eerie falsetto keening on Sam Phillips' recording of "Blue Moon" 1956 or the gorgeous Della Reese on "Someday you'll want me to want you" and Kathleen Ferrier's "Blow the Wind Southerly"- hear a human body sing not just a voice box, last but not least: Son House' Death Letter Blues. More content is coming, yes we know so is Xmas, actually it's just been but will come again as May West would say. I've just discovered the "British invasion" subject heading which covers our Zombie pals, thanks to Littleverses' blog, not forgetting Frank Zappa.
We notice it's getting harder (stop it May!) to find like minded people of less than a few hundred when one clicks on a movie title, but not impossible: just find more obscure movies or Australian ones, we have only three kindred spirits for some titles and just us for others, ah the joys of solitude.
Personal interests are easier although just as likely to result in some surprising blog companions, zombies being a good example, and courtesans, but what did we expect; still it is a reminder once again of the individual variability of meaning and perception...What does Mister Bennett call himself in Pride and Prejudice - "a connoisseur of human folly". Perhaps, along with Socrates, we are being too hard on ourselves; the unexamined life is still worth something, I'm just not sure exactly what that is...
But I digress, although digression is the spice of life, didn't Oscar Wilde say that, as well as: “Ambition is the last refuge of the failure", "Only the shallow know themselves", "The well-bred contradict other people, the wise contradict themselves" and “Those who are faithful know only the trivial side of love"; it is the faithless who know love’s tragedies” and so on... by the way all the dots mean this isn't the whole story but then nothing ever is I suppose...and yes the blog title is at least partly ironic...actually they are self obsessed meanderings, ah well...
Every new morning and every sunset is a wonder - we see it because a random genetic event of conception following our 3 million year evolutionary past that began with a cosmic event 13.7 billion years ago brings us to this moment of existence...carpe diem!
Achieve immortality through sharing love and knowledge.
Learn to cook without recipes.
Life is lived forward but understood backwards - so save some time for thought every day and find solitude where you can.